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Colouring The Keys
Johan Hoogewijs

Johan Hoogewijs

Colouring The Keys

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Antarctica
UPC: 0608917733327
Catnr: AR 033
Release date: 01 April 2022
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Catalogue number
AR 033
Release date
01 April 2022

About the album

With this project, Johan Hoogewijs is colouring at the piano. Each piece he plays is coloured differently depending on the inspiration of that particular moment. Improvisation (or instant composing as one jazz-man called it) is essential for the performance and content of these compositions. Each piece has a basic structure which each time is coloured differently depending on the flow of the moment. Hoogewijs goes looking for the soul of each piece, preferably his own soul, sometimes its romance. Nothing is black and white, not even the keys. He goes looking for what is happening in between the notes. The challenge is that it can meander in all directions, with dynamism, whereby he does not necessarily go looking for the purity of the sounds or minimalism but for the different layers of the music.

In contrast to his soundtracks, where he can only move within the “straitjacket” of the film, the assignment and the story, here Hoogewijs intentionally goes looking for freedom, the openness of just playing. Playing. In contrast, the storyline of a film is generally delineated and binding before its musical interpretation. This piano project is just the opposite; a meditative state of playing which immerses the listener as well in a bath of colours. The approach to and duration of each performance can vary widely.

As a result of the musical journey that Johan has made in the past and the diversity of styles and influences from his work for radio, TV and film, you can hear a whole range of colours and atmospheres with influences from jazz, classical and neo-classical music, ethnic influences and, here and there, even a bit of Americana. Hoogewijs seeks to go back to his early roots, before he composed film music, where names like Joni Mitchell, Weather Report and even Stravinsky and Debussy were major influences.

Bei diesem Projekt koloriert Johan Hoogewijs am Klavier. Jedes Stück, das er spielt, ist anders gefärbt, je nach der Inspiration des jeweiligen Augenblicks. Improvisation (oder Instant Composing, wie es ein Jazzer nannte) ist wesentlich für die Aufführung und den Inhalt dieser Kompositionen. Jedes Stück hat eine Grundstruktur, die jeweils anders gefärbt wird, je nach dem Fluss des Augenblicks. Hoogewijs geht auf die Suche nach der Seele eines jeden Stücks, vorzugsweise nach seiner eigenen Seele, manchmal nach der Romantik. Nichts ist schwarz oder weiß, nicht einmal die Tasten. Er sucht nach dem, was zwischen den Noten passiert. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, dass es in alle Richtungen mäandern kann, mit Dynamik, wobei er nicht unbedingt nach der Reinheit der Klänge oder dem Minimalismus sucht, sondern nach den verschiedenen Schichten der Musik.
Im Gegensatz zu seinen Soundtracks, bei denen er sich nur innerhalb der "Zwangsjacke" des Films, des Auftrags und der Geschichte bewegen kann, sucht Hoogewijs hier ganz bewusst die Freiheit, die Offenheit des Spielens. Spielend. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Handlung eines Films in der Regel schon vor der musikalischen Interpretation vorgezeichnet und verbindlich. Dieses Klavierprojekt ist genau das Gegenteil: ein meditativer Zustand des Spielens, der auch den Zuhörer in ein Bad aus Farben taucht. Der Ansatz und die Dauer jeder Aufführung können sehr unterschiedlich sein.
Aufgrund der musikalischen Reise, die Johan Hoogewijs in der Vergangenheit unternommen hat, und der Vielfalt der Stile und Einflüsse aus seiner Arbeit für Radio, Fernsehen und Film, kann man eine ganze Reihe von Farben und Atmosphären mit Einflüssen aus Jazz, klassischer und neoklassischer Musik, ethnischen Einflüssen und hier und da sogar ein bisschen Americana hören. Hoogewijs versucht, zu seinen frühen Wurzeln zurückzukehren, bevor er Filmmusik komponierte, wo Namen wie Joni Mitchell, Weather Report und sogar Strawinsky und Debussy wichtige Einflüsse waren.


Johan Hoogewijs (piano)

Johan Hoogewijs composed mainly for film & TV. He scored for feature-films and TV-series and documentaries in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and France. His diversity, which characterizes his music, is appreciated by producers and directors. Still, his typical musical touch is recognized by many listeners. He worked with the Brussels Philharmonic, I Fiamminghi, The Metropole orchestra and wrote for and performed with Toots Thielemans. The pandemic drove him more and more towards his piano, which resulted in recording new compositions for solo piano. As he performs, one can hear a mix of many influences: classical, jazzy, ethnic and filmic tunes, all of them very layered but yet accessible. In all of his piano music, improvisation is essential. 
Johan Hoogewijs composed mainly for film & TV. He scored for feature-films and TV-series and documentaries in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and France. His diversity, which characterizes his music, is appreciated by producers and directors. Still, his typical musical touch is recognized by many listeners. He worked with the Brussels Philharmonic, I Fiamminghi, The Metropole orchestra and wrote for and performed with Toots Thielemans.
The pandemic drove him more and more towards his piano, which resulted in recording new compositions for solo piano. As he performs, one can hear a mix of many influences: classical, jazzy, ethnic and filmic tunes, all of them very layered but yet accessible. In all of his piano music, improvisation is essential.


Johan Hoogewijs (piano)

Johan Hoogewijs composed mainly for film & TV. He scored for feature-films and TV-series and documentaries in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and France. His diversity, which characterizes his music, is appreciated by producers and directors. Still, his typical musical touch is recognized by many listeners. He worked with the Brussels Philharmonic, I Fiamminghi, The Metropole orchestra and wrote for and performed with Toots Thielemans. The pandemic drove him more and more towards his piano, which resulted in recording new compositions for solo piano. As he performs, one can hear a mix of many influences: classical, jazzy, ethnic and filmic tunes, all of them very layered but yet accessible. In all of his piano music, improvisation is essential. 
Johan Hoogewijs composed mainly for film & TV. He scored for feature-films and TV-series and documentaries in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and France. His diversity, which characterizes his music, is appreciated by producers and directors. Still, his typical musical touch is recognized by many listeners. He worked with the Brussels Philharmonic, I Fiamminghi, The Metropole orchestra and wrote for and performed with Toots Thielemans.
The pandemic drove him more and more towards his piano, which resulted in recording new compositions for solo piano. As he performs, one can hear a mix of many influences: classical, jazzy, ethnic and filmic tunes, all of them very layered but yet accessible. In all of his piano music, improvisation is essential.


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